Coming three years after their latest, Utilitarian, Apex Predator - Easy Meat is one of the most acclaimed and best works of the last half of their career, highly energetic and intelligent, coming with surprises such as the opening self-titled track, an avant-garde dark chant like a sick metal version of Tom Waits on a bad trip and generally impressive as a sound-exploring record, but still intense and clearly sounding like Napalm Death all the way.
The album is already out on Century Media and two tracks off it are on the label’s Soundcloud page for streaming.
The official video for Smash A Single Digit is made up of of 1093 single drawings, directed by Michael Panduro and according to Barney Greenway…
It shows nothing of dignity or life’s fundamental pleasures — only a snapshot of those unfortunate enough to only be deemed as numbers for production quotas in this world. When a ‘digit’ has therefore been expended, it is rubbed out (or consumed leaving no trace, as in the case of this video).
Napalm Death Official website