Infinity Train, the animated anthology television series on Cartoon Network created by Owen Dennis, had a very successful and critically acclaimed first run last August, and as the show prepares for its second season, its soundtrack was just released.
The title song was co-written by Dennis and electronica composer, Chrome Canyon, and it's abound in analog synth sounds and eighties aesthetics, matching the show's mood in total perfection, drawing influence from experimental new age, cyberpunk and forward-thinking film music, while it comes through completely up to the mark with the synthwave emergence of the last few years.
"The show is about a girl who runs away from her divorcing parents," Owen Dennis explains, "only to wake up with a mysterious number on her hand onboard a seemingly infinite train where every car contains a different universe." It's currently free on the Cartoon Network website through the end of December 2019, and it will return for another season in January 2020.
Chrome Canyon Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Owen Dennis Twitter | Instagram