For an extra dose of weirdness and experimentalism, Reading noise act Victim Unit join forces with Hull grindcore twosome The Parasitic Twins, and release the 13-minute oddity, Geminites.
The new piece was recorded at the now defunct Melrose Yard Studios in York, produced by Victim Unit's Danny Page (Negative Thought Process) who comments: "The collaboration recording was created over one day between VU and The PT. The sound engulfs what we both represent as artists and spews back out a far more disgusting beast."
Formless and exploratory in essence, the track is an exhibition of both acts' intensity, their unconventional musicianship and creative methods, and it borders on harsh noise by way of sludgy doom metal and hardcore punk, with the production's aggressiveness together with the gruesome vocals catalyzing the most of the piece's extremity.
Consequently, both bands describe the track as something that "represents aural catharsis" for them.
Victim Unit Facebook | Instagram
The Parasitic Twins Facebook | Twitter | Instagram