Last Days: Free Energy

The music of Last Days, helmed by artist and musician Graham Richardson, elaborates on individual themes of acceptance, escape, and stasis. Richardson, who was raised in Northumberland UK, briefly pursued music before switching his attention to graphic design, and eventually came to join the roster of the eclectic n5MD.

Free Energy is a track on the Last Days' thematic album Windscale. The project's sixth studio album focuses on the 1957 Windscale nuclear plant accident, which is considered to be Britain's worst nuclear disaster. 

Every piece on Windscale reflects the atmosphere of the pivotal times in the timeline of the troubled reactor, ranging from the promises of free energy to the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. Windscale evokes melancholy and sentiments of compassion for those who directly witnessed the accident, and presents an engaging narrative by way of immersive and progressive musicianship.

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