Kira McSpice: Evaporate

Gothic folk singer-songwriter Kira McSpice's interest in cultivating a garden sparked an unexpected journey into her own trauma, reflected in her latest album, The Compartmentalization of Decay. While watching a video on tapping maple trees for syrup, the musician was struck by a comment questioning whether the process harms the trees which led her to realize that, much like humans protect themselves from traumatic experiences, maple trees, damaged by human usage, survive by enveloping their wounds in protective layers.

This kind of revelation stirred memories of sexual assault, prompting McSpice to focus on profound emotions while crafting this album.

The new track, Evaporate, delicately combines gothic undertones with indie folk elegance, showcasing intense emotional depth through McSpice's distinctive vocal delivery and exquisite instrumentation.

The artist explains: "Evaporate is about the compulsion to repeat a traumatic event in the hopes of living a different outcome. It can feel like there’s nothing left inside of yourself after reliving it so many times. I wanted to say that there is still something left despite that repetition."

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