Sutras: A Daily Reprieve

A Daily Reprieve is the latest single from Washington DC's Sutras, a project which began with an experimental approach and has since evolved into a post hardcore band composed of Tristan Welch and Frederick Ashworth.

The song highlights the struggle to maintain mental clarity under the weight of capitalist pressures, with lyrics which focus on this internal conflict. It is part of a two-song EP recorded at Developing Nations Studio in Baltimore, under the guidance of Kevin Bernsten, known for working with bands like Full of Hell and Pianos Become the Teeth.

Tristan Welch describes: “The song is about not burying the pain of capitalism with things like drug and alcohol, but it’s also about how fucking hard that is. Even if I stay clear-minded, I still hurt myself and other people. The song is embracing the struggle.

Sutras identify as a Dharma punk collective, deeply attuned to the concept of suffering. By merging the ethics of punk rock with Dharma principles, the band is committed to the idea that art can be a means for enlightenment.

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